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1-停修課程申請表(Course Withdrawal Application Form)

依本校「選課須知」規定辦理課程停修,請注意下列事項(To suspend courses according to the "Course Selection Instructions" of our school, please pay attention to the following):

申請時間(Application time)每學期第6週起至第10週止)暑期第5週前)。逾期概不受理。(From the 6th week to the 10th week of each semester (before the 5th week of Summer Courses). Late applications will not be accepted. 
 每學期申請時間,請見本校當學期行事曆。(For the application time of each semester, please refer to the school calendar for the current semester.)
申請對象(Applicants):課程未達扣考標準者可提出申請,每學期停修課程以1~2科為原則。(Those whose courses do not meet the deduction standards can apply, and the principle of stopping courses in each semester is 1-2 subjects.)
 大一至大四生停修後之總學分數不得低於每學期最低總修習學分數下限(9學分)(The total number of credits for freshman to senior year students should not be lower than the lower limit of the minimum total credits for each semester (9 credits))
 延長修業年限學生停修後至少應修習1個科目。(Students who extend their study period should take at least one subject after stopping their studies.)
 停修課程之學分費(學分學雜費)已繳交者不予退費,未繳交者仍應補繳。(The credit fees (credit tuition and miscellaneous fees) of the suspended courses will not be refunded if they have been paid, and those who have not paid should still be paid.)
申請流程(Application process)
     1.Download and fill in the application form
     2.Signature of the teaching teacher
     3.Signature of the director of the department (institution)
    4.Cashier Division, Office Of General Affairs
     4.Undertaker of the Curriculum Section (Academic Affairs Section)
 停修各類科師資教育學程者,需加會師資培育中心。(Those who stop taking teacher education courses in various subjects need to  go  "Center of Teacher Education)
【Daytime Division Students】Students who apply for suspension of study should sign and seal according to the procedure and go to [Minsheng Campus-Curriculum Section] for handling.    
Evening Division StudentsStudents please contact the organizer of [Pingshang Campus-Academic Affairs Section] for handling.

停修學分與成績(Withdrawal credits and grades)

 停修課程仍登載於當學期成績單及歷年成績表,於成績欄註明「停修」或「w」(Suspended courses will still be recorded in the current semester transcript and previous year’s transcripts, and "withdrawal from study" or "w" will be indicated in the column of grades.)

 停修課程之學分數不計入當學期修習學分總數。(The credits of suspended courses will not be included in the total number of credits taken in the current semester.)

After reading and understanding the above instructions, please download the application form.

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